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Update Your Website With New Staff Portraits

When it comes to the digital world, photos of you and your team help make you relatable.

Your headshot is the new handshake. If you don’t have a strong one, it says a lot. 

2020 was the year NPF Investment Advisors decided to upgrade their online presence with a new website and staff portraits.

NPF Investment Advisors has been active in the community since 1933 and is one of the longest standing privately owned investment management firms in Grand Rapids

With 15+ staff working in their downtown office we worked through a schedule that allowed for a formal portrait, then a break to change attire and then a second session for a more relaxed business casual look. 

This specific schedule came as we discovered the new website design would be very staff focused. Website visitors are given a grid of all the staff in their formal attire and when each person is clicked on the business casual portrait dominates the page, hence the need for two different portraits for the user experience.

The experience with the team at NPF Investment Advisors was wonderful. They are personable, relatable and open to new ideas. It made it simple for us to help them look comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

If you’re in need of new professional portraits, know you will have a similar experience as NPF Investment Advisors and we are excited to serve you and your team.

Reach out to us to let us know what you think you’re in need of when it comes to your professional portrait.