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Is your brand getting low reach?

Got a brand that's blending into the background? 

Maybe it's time to look at your headshots.

You know that moment when you're scrolling and suddenly stop because someone's picture just pops? 

That's the power of a great headshot. 

But here’s the thing, not everyone's bringing their best game to the photo table. 

I've seen 2 kinds of people.

First, you've got the go-getters. Their profile pics?

Always on point, making sure they shine online like the stars they are.

Then, there are the "maybe laters." 

They think about getting that killer photo... someday. 

They’re waiting for the perfect moment that, well, never really arrives. 

But here's the major aspect in standing out and getting more impressions: 

Waiting doesn’t put you ahead, it leaves you behind.

Who’s gonna snag opportunities first? 

You guessed it. 

The ones who are photo-ready.

Where things might go wrong:

Too Staged or Unnatural: 

Your headshot needs to show "you." If it’s too stiff or doesn’t quite feel like your vibe, it’s not working as hard as it could for you. Go for a shot that captures your real you in a setting that feels like your scene.

Hanging Onto the Past: 

If your headshot is a blast from the past, it’s time for an update. A fresh photo says you’re all about moving forward and keeping things fresh.

Not the Best Quality: 

A dim or low quality photo doesn’t do you any favors. Treat your headshot as your outfit for a first impression. It should be sharp, clear, and pop off the screen.

Not Fitting In: 

Your headshot should vibe with your brand’s overall style. If it looks out of place, it might leave your audience scratching their heads. Keep it consistent for a smooth, cohesive look.

How to get a Headshot that shows the real “You” ?

Going for that been-there-done-that photo look? 

Nope, not gonna make you memorable. 

What you need for a headshot that really captures you isn't just a high quality camera.

Here's how you can do this:

- Think About What Makes You Special: Keep that in mind for your shoot.

- Wear What Makes You Feel Good: Confidence looks good on you.

- Try Different Styles: Be bold with poses and smiles. Your true self will shine.

Avoid These:

- Noisy Backgrounds: You’re the star, not the background.

- Complicated Outfits and Makeup: Keep it simple and classic.

- Rushing Through It: Take your time. The best shots aren’t rushed.

Go For These:

- Hire a pro: It might seem obvious, but it’s a game changer.

- Lighting Matters: The right light can make you glow.

- Dress to Impress: Casual can still be sleek. Aim for polished.

Ready to steal the spotlight?

Your headshot is the first thing people see, your chance to make a memorable first impression in a world where everyone’s looking for something to catch their eye.

With 5000+ headshots to my name, I know a thing or two about making you look your best. If you’re ready to go from just another face in the crowd to someone who stands out, let’s chat. 

Let's make your headshot as vibrant as your story!